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001154_owner-lightwav…mail.webcom.com_Thu Oct 19 15:26:28 1995.msg
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Date: Fri, 20 Oct 1995 06:25:05 +0800 (GMT+0800)
From: Robbie Trinidad <deadlock@mozcom1.mozcom.com>
To: lightwave@mail.webcom.com
Subject: RE: Bad business: Selling Betas
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On Wed, 18 Oct 1995, robert hood wrote:
> Considering what NewTek did with LightWave 4.0 (not to mention the practices
> of other companies, like MarketingSoft), is the trend in selling Betas a good
> or bad idea?
All of my Newtek products were bought beta. Actually, they were known
here as "Dealer's Versions". I don't know if there's a difference
The advantage of getting a dealer's version of NewTek products was that
they were always shipped with additional stuff that never made it in the
final version, like demo files, scenes, objects, framestores, etc. The
extra stuff sometimes helped in video production and 3D animation. Here is a
short list of some things I got:
Video Toaster v.9x (I think it was v.93)
- Automated ARexx (I think it was Arexx, I never got it to work) script that
showed the capabilities of the Toaster, CG, and Lightwave;
- Sample framestores including a picture of the Batwing from the Batman
movie to use as luma keying demo;
- Objects from Videoscape 3D.
- Over the shoulder effect (eventually replaced with positionables in v2.0);
Video Toaster 4000 beta
- Shipped with a full 120MB hard drive which contained the toaster system
software and demo files;
- Lightning effect had sound;
- Included additional objects and scenes like the dreadnaught object
(released in 3.1) and the Swimming Sharks scene;
- 2 Framestore-Anim files:
- Vorlon ship docking (Babylon 5), 15MB
- Toaster animation seen on "Inventions", 9MB
The Video Flyer broke this trend. Some files like the CG Demobook ask for
files that don't exist (Star Trek PS font). I heard that the very first
version shipped had some video footage in the AV drives, but became
incompatible when v.4 shipped.
When I received v.4.03, it read in the letter that when 4.1 is
released, those who bought beta would get a CD-ROM with lots of extra
goodies. I'm still waiting for it.
Robbie Trinidad | E-mail: deadlock@mozcom1.mozcom.com
General Manager | Tel # (632)712-2777
Scanline Desktop Video | We didn't start the fire...
Quezon City, Philippines | But we did fan it.
Robbie Trinidad <deadlock@mozcom1.mozcom.com> sent this message.
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